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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Learn to Freeze Fruits and Vegetables

    safely thaw them for use. This class is free, and designed for people who want to learn more about basic ...

  2. December 2016 Highlights

    Jimenez-Flores was recently featured talking about eggnog during the CFAES 12 days of experts during the month of ...

  3. November 2016 Highlights

    Program was recently highlighted in the Smart Business magazine article about Columbus as a test market. ...

  4. Learn How to Dry and Preserve Fruits and Vegetables

    for people who want to learn more about basic food preservation using dehydration methods. To ...

  5. What’s the buzz: Caffeine has its good and bad aspects

    and increases heart rate, which helps with blood flow. She cited the recommended limit as about 400 ... addicted to it, Pohlschneider said. Caffeine blocks  adenosine  receptors in the brain, which tell us we ... drinks a lot of caffeine, and then stops, can tell you about the headaches and grumpiness.” Janele ...

  6. Gates Millennium-HSF Bridge Builders Forum

    St. | Columbus, OH 43210) Join us for the Gates Millennium Scholars Bridge Builders, a day-long ... school. The program will help participants understand how to apply to college, learn about ways to pay for ...

  7. January 2017 Highlights

    Peterson are included in a recent CFAES article about the addition of Discovery Theme faculty hires by the ...

  8. February 2016 Highlights

    perspectives on using video to communicate about food and agriculture and take part in a Q&A session with ...

  9. Entrepreneurial Management

    started? Follow this link to learn more about the Digital Badge program and to register to participate. ...

  10. Dr. Rafael Jimenez-Flores named ASDA Chair

    ABOUT THE AMERICAN DAIRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION ® (ADSA) ® The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) is ...
