CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Updates on Diseases and Prevention Strategies for Ticks

    Tim McDermott will talk to us about ticks. Tick-vectored diseases are a public health threat that ... and many county and regional public health departments in Ohio. ...

  2. Food Science Students Represent at the Hayes Research Forum

    and the public.  Cash prizes, totaling nearly $14,000, are awarded to the top-judged presentations in ...

  3. Student Clubs

    reducing, repurposing, and educating about food waste on campus. It was founded by three food science ... students to compel all individuals to think about this topic and to take action. For more information on ...

  4. 2021 OPHI Symposium

    Feel free to contact us with any questions about this event. Alex Meyer, OPHI Intern, ... Webster as keynote speaker and many talks about pollinator habitat and sustaining a healthy food supply. ...

  5. Plant a Shrub Day at The Wilds

    Join us for an earth day event. Help us plant a shrub and build a better world. RSVP to Liza ...

  6. Forest Spiders- Webinar

    Curious about the 8-legged friends in your woods?? Join OSU Extension Educator Ashley Kulhanek, as ...

  7. November 2021 Highlights

    department’s Autumn 2021 seminar schedule is published on the FST website under ‘About Us’ and takes place on ... a story about when it makes sense to soak your dirty dishes and cited research from Dr. Melvin Pascall. ... our department contributed to  the IFTSA Science Meets Food Blog. Aishwarya Badiger  talked about the ...

  8. June 2022 Department Highlights

    Food Engineering, and Nonthermal Processing Divisions joint social event. Articles about Dr. Sheryl ...

  9. Giusti Named a 2021-2022 CFAES Distinguished Professor

    their fields, to their students, to our college, university, and the public,” said Cathann A. Kress, ... papers in proceedings and bulletins. Her publications have been cited 15,829 times. Giusti’s awards ...

  10. Webinar: The Recreational Value of the Little Miami River Corridor

    quality and natural features. Please join us to celebrate this important natural asset, as we present the ...
