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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Healthy Relationships

    around the state, family life programming. To learn more about programming that promotes Healthy ...

  2. Trauma-Informed Care

    communities about the impact of trauma on clients, co-workers, friends, family, and even ourselves. ...

  3. Healthy Finances

    families, and through reaching people in their own homes through distance education.  To learn more about ...

  4. Spring planting delays may cause some farmers to make adjustments to improve yields

    statistician of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, said in ...

  5. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership online

    Are you a positive leader? Do you wonder how others think about your attitude as a leader? A quick ... you, it's time for an attitude check. Negativity in organizations is costing US businesses $300 ... customers. Leaders have a choice about their attitude- and no matter what the situation, you have a choice to ...

  6. Breakfast on the Farm

    Farm (BOTF) event to educate consumers about modern commodity agriculture and the way farmers care for ...

  7. Plant Pest and Diseases

    description about plant and the environment in which it was growing and all details regarding management ... or bring your sample in to the OSU Extension Greene County office.  When sending photos about home ... garden or house plant problems please be as specific as possible about; Plant species, environment, ...

  8. Kitchel reappointed as CFAES senior associate dean

    about the people of this college. I’ve now seen firsthand the passion our people invest in their work as ...

  9. Doctoral Dissertations

    Ferrari Ohio public school students’ out-of-school time study: measuring the impact of Ohio’s 4-H youth ... Shelly Dee Jepsen advised by Scott D. Scheer Assessment of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Tractor and ... learning in public, non-profit institutions: a profile of Ohio State University Extension Karen Suzanne ...

  10. Ask an Expert  and please include any information that you have about the plant/s or gardening situation (such ...
