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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Summer veggie planting webinar ...

  2. Join the CFAES Alumni Society Meeting on May 5 ...

  3. April 2023 CFAES Connect

    you to join us on May 24 from noon to 1 p.m. for a summer veggie planting webinar featuring Dr. Tim ... unconscious beliefs Copy:  The CFAES Alumni Society Board invites you to join us on May 16 from noon to 1 p.m. ... details about the milestones in your life. " style="text-align: center; text-decoration: ...

  4. CFAES cooperation with Kazakh National Agrarian Research University flowers

    US are considered weeds. Taraxacum kok-saghyz dandelions’ roots are comprised of 10-15% natural ... rubber and are thus not weeds but rather a viable way for the US to protect itself from looming shortages ... dandelions common in the US.   Cornish advocates this in a TEDx talk at OSU. Meirambek Mutalkhanov was ...

  5. March 2023 CFAES Connect

    State of the College on March 23 Copy:  Join us virtually for an update about CFAES from Vice President ... and Dean Cathann A. Kress Button context:  Takes user to information about Buckeyes at the Peach Bowl ... CFAES Button context:  Takes you to a webform that allows you to input details about the milestones in ...

  6. CFAES Homecoming Save the Date

    Save the Date! Add paragraph:  Copy:  Mark your calendar and join us to celebrate the CFAES 2023 ...

  7. Celebration of Youth Recap

    Hunt, a Dark e County 4-H alumna and a geologist, paleontologist, and public information specialist with ... story and spoke about the impact that 4-H has had on her life. As part of this 25th Celebration of Youth ... of adventure, and support their growth into true leaders. Thank you for helping us honor our past and ...

  8. Lack of affordable childcare is hurting young farm families’ ability to grow their business—the US fam bill may finally offer some help ...

  9. Friday's Escape to the Forest Webinar

    Join us for a virtual hike on March 10 th for our Friday’s Escape to the Forest webinar.  Ohio ... State Extension Educator, Carrie Brown, will take us on a virtual hike through the forest in search of ...

  10. Dining with Diabetes Classes scheduled

    discussion with a dietitian about skills to manage diabetes. Dining with Diabetes will be held on Monday ...
