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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Spring into Action

    Join us for our spring gardening workshop to learn how to beautify and improve your garden! ... there anything to the suggestions of when to plant? What about all of those other ‘free tips’ on ...

  2. Who Gets Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate?

    Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate? We’ve all heard those stories about how a death in the family ... Senior Center. This workshop will help you learn strategies to jumpstart conversations about inheritance, ... about the powerful messages in who gets what, how complex emotional and family relationships impact ...

  3. Public Speaking- Health & Safety, 4-H Topic, Cloverbud Recitals- Contact Stephanie Snyder by this date


  4. Dairy Industry Update and Forecast

    Join us for a Dairy Industry Update and Forecast.  This program will focus on the changing ...

  5. Fertilizer Recertification

    Need your 1 hour Ohio Fertilizer Application Recertification?  If so, join us from 11:30 a.m. to ...

  6. Coffee with the Master Gardeners

    collect your own maple syrup, join us for some coffee! Speaker: Carolyn F., Master Gardener Volunteer For ...

  7. Global Climate Change- How Does It Affect YOU?

    popular questions about global warming including:  “Hasn’t Earth been much warmer than it is now for most ... of its history?  If that is true (and it is), then why worry about a few degrees warming in the next ... something caused massive global warming – and none of it was humans.  So why the concern about global ...

  8. Bobcats in Coshocton County

    free and open to the public. Please RSVP to 740.622.2265, or return the registration ... the presentation, Weyrauch will share information about the distribution of bobcats in the area and ...

  9. Coffee with the Master Gardeners

    Create a Kitchen Garden! Join us in learning how to create your own "Kitchen Garden", ...

  10. Learn to Create a Perennial Bed

    The “Planting Cover Crops to Reduce Soil Compaction” will teach about cover crop options to ...
