CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. CFAES Online Chat for Admits

    type in your name, and you'll be able to begin chatting with us.     ...

  2. Ohio Clean Lakes Initiative

    of Agriculture (ODA) and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA), worked to spread the word about ...

  3. Deadline to apply for the OSU Extension 2014 Annual Conference and Research Colloquium

    encouraged to consider the research, skill sets, methods, and trends that will drive us forward in service to ...

  4. 2014 FABE Spring Banquet

      We invite you to join us for an evening of awards, updates, and socializing. Celebrate the ...

  5. Lead Hikes during Wellness Week

    hours to lead some nature walks, of about 30-40 mins max. They have a land lab with trails and a pond as ...

  6. ASABE-UCD Administrators

    14.00-15.30 Session 1: Transatlantic Undergraduate Education: US vs. EU Models Dr. Lourdes Reig (Universitat ... 16.00-17.00 Session 2: Transatlantic Graduate Education: US vs. EU Models Prof. Wouter Saeys (KU Leuven, ... Deirdre Healy (University College Dublin) 10.30-11.00 Break 11.00-12.00- Session 3: EU-US Atlantis ...

  7. Bimonthly Fiscal Meeting

    219 I just received a call from Eric Bode about setting up separate meetings for the Fiscal team ...

  8. GSO Luncheon

    meetings, just let us know we can't be in there that week.  If there are any pre-existing conflicts, ...

  9. ASM and CSM Internship Fair

    They'll tell you about the work they completed, what they liked about their internship, what they ...

  10. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    about the aquaponics project. aquaponics service Honduras Biological Engineering FABE Ohio State ...
