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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Thinking about Growing Hops? Consider this Field Day

    Planting one acre of hops costs a farmer about $20,000 compared to an acre of corn or soybeans, which are ...

  2. Cuyahoga County 4-H

    in local or state competitions or evaluations.  To learn more about 4-H Cloverbuds:  ...

  3. Hops Field Day

    Planting one acre of hops costs a farmer about $20,000 compared to an acre of corn or soybeans, which are ...

  4. Farm Science Review 2017 Set for Sept. 19-21

    about the latest agricultural innovations in research. Tickets are $7 and will sell online at ...

  5. Learn the Secrets of Native Bees

    residents are concerned about the plight of bees, including honey bees, bumble bees and the over 400 other ...

  6. Ohio’s bees are a honey, and then some: Get a new guide to know them

    Ellsworth initially created the card as an in-the-field ID aid for about 100 citizen scientists who are ...

  7. Good news: Ohio’s soil phosphorus levels are trending down

    about protecting surface water quality while maintaining agricultural production, said CFAES scientists ...

  8. Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School

    Wine grape growers can learn how about to manage a winged pest that can have a damaging impact on ... Jefferson, Ohio 44047. For more information about the event, including registration, contact Marrison at  ...

  9. Hops

    OSU Extension Hops Team Learn more about the Hops research being conducted and its impacts on ...

  10. Ohio AgritourismReady Conference

    assist Ohio’s agritourism operators to be more informed about their responsibilities when operating these ...
