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Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices
historical 6-year average of about 10¢/Mcal, NE L is currently a relative bargain at 4.9¢/Mcal. This is ... the daily cost of providing this nutrient is only about $1.56/cow/day (i.e., 10.5 lb × $0.149 per lb). ...
What is Your Personality Color Spectrum
understanding of their strengths, needs and motivators. * Participants will gain an awareness about how they can ... improve their workplace through learning more about their co-workers. * Participants will learn to value ...
Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices
$0.1043/lb this month. The jump results in an identical price as its historical 6-year average of about ... providing this nutrient is only about $0.75/cow/day (i.e., 10.5 lb × $0.071 per lb). To estimate the cost of ...
Tough Management Yields- Dairy Profits
article in Readers Digest, September 1942. If we think about the changes in dairy farming, since 1942 can ...
Evaluating Forage Stands After the Winter Season
forage plants is also a useful way to assess stands. This should be done when there is about six inches ...
Drought-Stressed Corn for Silage
about 30% dry matter (especially less than 27% dry matter) are at high risk of a poor fermentation (high ...
Make Plans for Immediate Forage Needs
forage diets, always add a buffer to the ration at about 0.8% of DM. At this time of the year, especially ...
Tunnel Ventilation- Fad or Fan?
producers this year about tunnel ventilating freestall barns. Unfortunately, very little information is ...
make about other people. It can also go far in helping to predict how a person will react to a specific ...
Estimating Alfalfa Neutral Detergent Fiber in the Field
experiences, NDF concentration of well-made silage is about 2 percentage units higher than the standing crop. ...