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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Midseason Soybean Diseases

    Across the state we have just about every condition possible in soybean this year (A. Dorrance) ...

  2. FEH (Fundamentals of Engineering Honors) EOY Cookout

    3:30-7:30pm.  The cookout itself will be from 5 to 7pm, and we are expecting about 250 first-year students and ...

  3. Manual for Software Pipeline

    which are publicly available.  For details of why we have chosen the components described here, please ... publically available scripts programmed in R called XCMS (an acronym for various forms (X) of chromatography ... non-polar molecules such as chlorophyll and carotenoids that are not of interest to us.  While we retain ...

  4. GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) Training

    conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or a third-party company. The location of the training will ...

  5. Soybean Productivity

    the entire U.S. soybean industry, including raising awareness among farmers on why sustainability is ...

  6. Congratulations to Lauren Slutzky!

    University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon, University of Akron and Case Western. To learn more about the ...

  7. Corrugated Plastic Tubing

    activity. The largest extruding companies in the US remain in Ohio, and the state counties to be the center of ...

  8. Emerald Ash Borer

    infest and kill North American ash trees (Fraxinus spp). EAB was accidentally imported into the U.S. and ... discovered in Michigan in 2002. Since then, EAB has spread to the northern U.S. and Canada, with the loss of ... dominant species in eastern U.S. forests and, prior to the introduction of EAB, were popular landscape ...

  9. CFAES Online Chat for Admits

    type in your name, and you'll be able to begin chatting with us.     ...

  10. Researchers in Ohio working to see if dandelions can be future of the tire industry

    researchers are featured in news article on about the use of rubber from Russian dandelions to ...
