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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Strawberry Field Night

    production, and his current study, which is funded through a U.S. Department of Agriculture grant, examines ...

  2. Zero waste, big benefits: OARDC hosts large-scale composting course

    dioxide as a climate change-causing greenhouse gas, says the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Food ...

  3. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    Type IV-hypoallergenic. “Guayule is a U.S. desert shrub that produces a high-quality latex which is ...

  4. Deadly pig virus is now in Ohio: Key is strict biosecurity

    Experts first found porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, or PEDv, in the U.S. just a little more than ...

  5. Good time to start: Fall farm practices for helping crops and water

    Extension, team members are also from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service. The ...

  6. Maple Tree ID

    Canyon Maple Acer grandidentatum U.S. Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountain Maple Acer glabrum Western United ... red; odorless if bark bruised or scraped. V-shaped, double-winged fruit about 1/2- 1 inch long. Fruit ...

  7. Finding Funding Workshop

    workshop, where you will learn more about using the SPIN funding opportunities database and accessing other ...

  8. Kale! Kale! The gang’s all here … in an Ohio State greenhouse growing veggies for students

    from the Buckeyes’ backyard Horticulture and Crop Science staff “have taught us so much,” said Lesa ...

  9. HCS Seminar Series: Screening for resistance and modes of virulence in soybean; Brown Marmorated Stinkbug interactions

    to seed and pod abortion. In 2011, U.S. producers grew 30.3 million hectares of soybeans with ...

  10. Pasture-Raised Livestock Beginning Farm Tour

    Ashtabula Local Food Council (ALFC). Join this tour, co-sponsored by ALFC, to learn about the Moores’ ...
