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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. JCEP- ELC Conference

    Details to come about this event. ...

  2. 4-H Spark Expo

    designed just for us! CFAES WOOSTER CAMPUS VISIT! One day will be devoted to exploring possible career ...

  3. Graduate Exit Seminar- Jeremy Salvo

    used agricultural management practice, currently draining ~55.6 million acres of land in the US and ... surface waters. This nutrient loading is a major driver of harmful algal blooms (HAB), which costs the US ...

  4. 2025 NACAA Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement conference

    week-long conference is a time for members to network across the nation, learn about agriculture, ...

  5. Greg Lipps joins Columbus Zoo and Aquarium as First Conservation Biologist

    research, public awareness programs, and efforts to recover amphibian and reptile populations across Ohio. ... teams, coordinate conservation activities with partners, and contribute to scientific publications. “We ... diverse wildlife.” For additional updates about the Columbus Zoo, conservation initiatives, events, and ...

  6. SENR Announcements, September 13

    species, habitats, and ecosystems. Read more about this appointment and the wealth of experience Greg ... students about their research, engage with invited speakers, have a snack and connect with colleagues! Plan ... Department of Art and Gabe Karns and Marne Titchenell. Attendees learned about a historic photographic ...

  7. Wreaths for Our Veterans Ceremony

    generations about the high cost of our freedoms. Please help us continue this tradition by joining us for ...

  8. Godwin Apaliyah Award for Inspired Community Engagement

    revitalizing downtown Washington Court House. Godwin often talked about the relationships and partnerships that ...

  9. SENR Global Education- Australia Info Session (Kottman)

    temperatures, wildlife conservation, and more.  Learn about conservation and restoration efforts on the Great ... Barrier Reef, hike in the Wet Tropics Rainforest, learn about agriculture and mining, and learn about the ...

  10. SENR Global Education- New Zealand Info Session (Hagerty Hall)

    New Zealand: Sustainable Tourism and Human Impacts on the Natural Environment: Learn more about ...
