CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Membership and Giving

    for our operations and programs, helping us to buy the plants, tools, and other resources that are ... needed to run a public garden.  Additionally, membership is an investment in the future of horticulture. ... Your membership dollars enable us to hire student workers and provide hands-on training that gives them ...

  2. Ohio State University advancing animal agriculture with new Waterman Dairy

    products through public engagement,” he said. “The new Waterman Dairy, along with the Multispecies Animal ... Learning Center now under construction, will raise the bar for CFAES teaching, research, and public ... keeping alleys clean and reducing water usage. “I am very excited about how the robotics will improve herd ...

  3. New research reveals economic and social impacts of caregivers in North central and Northeast US

    Northeast regions of the U.S. The preliminary findings, released as two regionally focused “Research ... “This also included learning more about individuals and families who provide care, and how caregiving ... is a common experience, with about eight in 10 respondents in the two regions having provided care to ...

  4. A fair kid, through and through

    I noticed that many of the youth exhibitors didn’t know much about their projects,” said Strickler. He knew ... about their animals. Most of the time, they know more than I do!”  Strickler was also the impetus behind ... outgoing, developed public speaking skills, and learned the  importance of building and cultivating ...

  5. Ohio State CFAES to lead federal food waste initiative

    materials that can meaningfully reduce the amount of U.S. household food waste. “About one-third of all food ... wasted in U.S. households. Roe, the Fred N. VanBuren Professor of Farm Management  in the Department of ... is wasted, with about half of that occurring in homes throughout the United States,” Roe said. ...

  6. CFAES faculty named 2024-25 Fulbright Scholars

    farmers all over the world. I hope that learning more about resilience along the food system will help us ... transitions. “I have been performing research on the coal transition in Ohio and the U.S., and this offers ... Threats to U.S. and Uruguay Cereal Production.” He will be associated with the National Institute of ...

  7. Sentinel Plant Research

    article outlining Dr. Enrico Bonello's work on this project Click here to learn more about ...

  8. Rural childcare an important topic at Farm Science Review

    about 15 miles away. Even so, on days when day care is closed and, in the evenings, “things can become ... of us has to get done,” Amanda said. Her advice for other farm families is that while rural day care ... organizations should represent their needs in national childcare policy discussions, and 71% believe the U.S ...

  9. Current Volunteers

    parking protocols have begun. Please contact us if you did not receive the new instructions to park while ... garden site while learning about a garden/horticulture topic. You do not need to have volunteered at the ... Chadwick. You can read about each tour group, sign up to lead a tour, or discover tours to shadow our ...

  10. Healthy eating at the Fair: CFAES nutritionist offers suggestions

    nothing to feel guilty about,” she said. “Just be sensible.” And, contrary to popular belief, not all fair ... vegetables. If you are looking for something sweet, try a candy apple. While they do pack about 300 calories ... the fair doesn’t mean missing out on fun—it’s about making informed choices while savoring the ...
