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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Internship in Agriscience Education

    of agriculture in the public schools. Prereq: 5230 and 5231. Not open to students with credit for AEE ...

  2. Publication Design and Production

    professional-quality publications for agricultural and general audiences. Agricultural communicators will find ...

  3. Evaluation in Agriscience Education

    agriculture in the public schools, conferences, and seminars. Prereq: 5280 and 5282. Not open to students with ...

  4. Oral Expression in Agriculture

    AGRCOMM 3130 An introductory public speaking course that will analyze the communication process ...

  5. Methods of Teaching in Agriscience Education

    agriscience instruction in public schools. Students will demonstrate competence in agricultural literacy ...

  6. Advanced Agricultural Communication Technology

    computer-based electronic production when preparing informational and educational messages for public and student ...

  7. Creating Meals on a Budget

    OSU Extension) to see, sample, and learn about some delicious, healthy, affordable meals. Take it one ...

  8. 2023 East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference

    don't lose sight of the "why" in what you do” will.  Agriculture is often so much more to us ... than a job, which makes it hard when we face push back — from people around us and from influences ...

  9. ACEL students attend AFA conference

    Kalleigh Fry.  “AFA was a great experience to learn about what other students are doing from across the ... United States, while also speaking to industry leaders about a future with their company,” said Kylie ...

  10. Toward Cultural Proficiency

    AEE 594. GE cultures and ideas and diversity soc div in the US course. GE foundation historical and ...
