CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Planning and Writing Successful Proposals

    why and the how, turning conceptual ideas about the elements of successful proposals into concrete ...

  2. Grant Writing: An Introduction

    Join us for this interactive workshop on grant writing. We will address some of the similarities ...

  3. Home

    have offices on both the Wooster and Columbus campuses. Please stop by or contact us to see how we can ...

  4. Broader Impacts Workshop

    Anna Ball on Friday, September 8, 2017. Dr. Ball will be doing several workshops about broader impacts ... will talk about ways faculty can build stronger broader impact (sometimes called outreach or ...

  5. Graduate Student Opportunities

    areas are chosen for the competition. Those selected give a public presentation on their research. Three ... scholarships and grants for graduate students. Visit their website to learn more about the International ...

  6. IRB and International Research

    research at international locations. The session will: Debunk common myths about international research. ... Explain how to create and submit Buck-IRB proposals Provide tips about the informed consent process, ...

  7. Center for Open Science Workshop: Increasing Openness and Reproducibility in Quantitative Research

    work. Please join us for a workshop, hosted by the Center for Open Science, to learn easy, practical ...

  8. Publishing on Pi Day

    and learn a little about scholarly publishing. We’ll discuss the following questions: What are some ...

  9. Navigating the PI Portal- Columbus

    Presenter: Angie LeMaster, CFAES Finance Join us to learn tips on how to use the PI Portal system ...

  10. Navigating the PI Portal- Wooster

    Presenter: Angie LeMaster, CFAES Finance Join us to learn tips on how to use the PI Portal system ...
