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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. DOE

    development (R&D) at United States (U.S.) universities through the following: Administering NEUP R&D ...

  2. Ohio State Offers Free Screening of Film Dedicated to Increasing Urban Agriculture

    "Growing Cities: A Film About Urban Farming in America" is a documentary that examines urban ...

  3. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    organization, and I believe it is valuable to have all of us learning together when possible. We are all working ...

  4. OSUE Annual Conference- December 9-11

    organization, and I believe it is valuable to have all of us learning together when possible. We are all working ...

  5. The Ginkgo- A tree with lots of reasons to recommend it

    If you are thinking about what to plant to replace that large ash tree in your landscape, consider ... Four Gingko trees even survived the bombing at Hiroshima, surviving about a mile from the epicenter.    ...

  6. The World Beneath Your Feet

    world to support the plant, and ultimately animal life on earth. Let us start with the smallest ...

  7. Webinar on Latino Demographic Patterns in the US

    There is a seminar on May 4th at 1PM on the demographic patterns on Latinos in the United States. This is a great opportunity as Ohio continues to be a top destination for the Latino population. More information here. ...

  8. Important Tips to Make Next Year’s Garden a Success

    and January and you begin to dream about your 2016 garden. For more information on home, lawn, indoor, ...

  9. Welcome Summer Festivities with Geraniums

    I always look for the little plastic insert that tells about the plant I am buying.  These inserts are ...

  10. Chimney Fires Can Be Prevented

    can also give advice about the next steps one should take.  The most common task these professional ...
