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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. What does your family emergency plan look like?

    think about a family emergency plan for a severe weather strike.  Parents, here are some questions to ... get you to think about that family emergency plan.  If there is severe weather while you are away from ... water per person for three days.  A normally active person needs about three quarters of a gallon of ...

  2. Farm Day 2017

    activities for youth, a hay wagon ride, local commodity group displays, a farm tour, learn about conservation ...

  3. Informational Meeting- New Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD)

    you need to know about new regulations ...

  4. How to Have a Beautiful Garden without Having an Ugly Shovel

    about container and raised bed gardening. This is the third of a 3-part series offered by the Warren ... must register even though there is no charge.   About the Speakers Pat Stidham has been gardening for ...

  5. Winter Solstice with a Candlelit Labyrinth Walk

    Please join us in celebrating the Winter Solstice with a candlelit Labyrinth Walk on Thursday, ...

  6. Volunteer-Only Thank You Celebration

                Join us to CELEBRATE YOU, our Volunteers, and all that you have contributed to ...

  7. Annual PAX Poinsettia Sale

    Join us for a huge selection of Pointsettias, festive flowers and arrangements that you won't ...

  8. Ohio Native Perennials: Adding Life to Your Garden

    register even though there is no charge.   About the Speaker Sue Ellen Campbell has always had a love of ... gardening, winning her first garden award in the 5th grade. She became passionate about gardening upon her ...

  9. Join Today!

    only. If you prefer to mail us a check, you may download a PDF membership form and mail it with your ...

  10. Tuned In, or Tuned Out: How is Technology Affecting Your Family?

    way we interact with each other in both positive and negative ways. Many of us remember when ... Together, talks about a study that she did with parents and children regarding their opinions of technology. ... the downsides to certain technologies, I encourage you to think about your family life, and ask ...
