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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. SENR Announcements, August 16

    and Kevin Wyatt. We look forward to catching up with them soon to share more about their expertise and ... advise and support them as they embark on their academic journeys with us.  New this year! The SENR ... Invited speakers  sharing their diverse expertise Join us for an opportunity to engage with cutting-edge ...

  2. OWS Program- Fascinating Woodland Fungi

    Come spend the day with us! ...

  3. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 22- Demo Plots at Farm Science Review

    Douridas and Grant Davis discussing the agronomic demonstration plots! Come out and visit us at the AgCrops ... activities planned.! Come out and see us at the Ag Crops Tent! Many educators and specialists are there to ... continues to be a non-issue at the three locations in both crops. Tar spot only has a severity of about 5% ...

  4. Ways To Protect Livestock From West Nile Virus

    I was flipping through channels the other night and came across a topic I haven’t heard about in ...

  5. Phosphorous Phield Day

    management practices to keep nutrients working for us in growing crops rather than against us as ... mile north of U.S. 250 – Dr. John Witter presenting.  Dr. Witter will discuss reusing dredged material ...

  6. Exploring Crop and Livestock Integration: Barriers and Benefits- Darke County

    Over the last 50 years, both crop and livestock production systems in the U.S. have become ... two-year study, join in discussion with study participants about the benefits and barriers to integrating ... crop and livestock systems, and hear about specific strategies or issues from area farmers.   There is ...

  7. SENR Seminar Series Lightning Talks

    (CASH) to quantify soil health differences across two drastically different US regions (OH–humid; CO ...

  8. Agronomy & Farm Management Podcast Episode 144 – Dealing with DON

    ( take us behind the scenes of their operations to look at testing, grain flow and market impacts. ... We end with some quick reminders about DON management and to check the C.O.R.N. Newsletter ...

  9. Allison Rober

    watersheds. Publications: For an up-to-date list of publications, please visit Any- Journal ...

  10. Urban Ag Opportunities for Extension Agents & Administrators

    insights on what we know about the urban context of scale, diversity, complexity, and the urban-rural ... Performance Across Local Foods Market Channels (JOE Article) SARE Outreach Resources & Publications SARE ... Nations US EPA Food Waste Toolkit US EPA Urban Ag Urban Ag Law The New Urban Agenda Promoting Urban Ag and ...
