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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Foundational Leadership Certificate

    gaining self-awareness about one’s strengths/weaknesses, the ability to adapt to change and how one views ... completing assessments, taking sessions and workshops, and learning about one’s perspective. ... Foundational Certificate program:  Intake Meeting  We hope to learn more about you and what you hope to gain ...

  2. Get Involved

    Growers Growers interested in hosting on-location research trials for publication in the annual ...

  3. Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills (MBTI) online

    614-292-3114. Requests made 10 days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but ...

  4. Gwynn Stewart

    graduate of Ohio University with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Public Relations. She also earned ... Society of Certified Public Accountants, and Guernsey Memorial Hospital. She also served as an adjunct ... and Conducting Effective Public Meetings (CDFS-1555) Rural Transportation Programs and Their Benefits ...

  5. Seeking students for ATI dairy cattle judging team

    a time to meet with me or just stop by my office to talk with me about the dairy cattle judging team. ...

  6. First Year Students: Important notice about scheduling

    At 5PM on Saturday Nov 16th the entire SIS system will be down for previously scheduled maintenance until 11AM on Sunday. Why is this important? The final NFYS scheduling windows open next Friday (11/15) so please do NOT plan to enroll in classes Saturday ...

  7. Nancy Bowen, CEcD

    Vitae- Nancy Bowen Publications  Bowen, N. (2015, August 7). Land-Grant Universities and Extension: ...

  8. University Mental Health Resources

    please try to get as much contact information about the student such as name, phone number, OSU dot #, ... sure to provide me with the best way to reach you right now too. This is an unusual time for all of us ...

  9. First Gen Celebration

    attend the dinner, please respond through the link below.  It will help us know how much food to order. ...

  10. UG Research

    addition, you will learn about the processes of experimental design, implementation, and analysis. Your ... Research is the process of discovery; you will be amazed at what you learn about the discipline and ...
