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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Farming with Alzheimer’s Disease

    able to communicate and are dependent on others for their care. Talking About Alzheimer's Disease ... understand Alzheimer's disease and learning about how they can continue to be a part of the ... education programs. Be honest about being diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and allow other family ...

  2. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2013-14

    January through April in 2014. The study is an opinion-based survey of professionals’ knowledge about ... two numbers reported indicate a range within which about two-thirds of the responses in the data for ... Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE) Farm Management Publications ...

  3. Whole Farm Planning Model

    financial needs of my family? How does my family feel about the business? There are many individual ... what the business says it does, what it actually does, and what others believe it is about. This ...

  4. Measuring Standing Trees

    volume on large areas are beyond the scope of this publication. Tree Volume Estimation In the United ... agencies and the U.S. Forest Service.   Table 1. Standing Tree Board Foot Volumes—Doyle Rule Dbh (inches) ... may hear foresters or buyers talking about gross and net volume. Gross volume is the estimated tree ...

  5. Timber Sale Contracts

    either fail to recognize its true value or they do not market it properly. If you are thinking about ... respect to specific owner/seller concerns about minimizing the impact of the harvest on the property ...

  6. Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)

    Extension educators to learn more about giant hogweed at his farm in Pierpont, Ohio. Reviewers of this ... Denmark. (Online). Retrieved August 2005. ... (no longer available online). Bravo, M.A. (2006). Giant Hogweed Eradication in Pennsylvania and ...

  7. Timber Theft in Ohio

    a "theft" has occurred. To be absolutely clear about which trees are to be harvested, sale and property ...

  8. Hobby Maple Syrup Production

    leaf and bud. All of these maple species can be used to produce syrup. With sugar maple, it takes about ... you need to be as careful about producing your syrup. You need to use proper sanitation, process the ... above freezing (ideally to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit). The sap with higher sugar content usually ...

  9. Maize Chlorotic Dwarf of Maize Stewart, L. R. 2012. Waikaviruses. ...

  10. Crop Tree Management: A Tool to Help You Achieve Your Woodland Goals

    attention? Ever thought about how your forest can improve the quality of water flowing through your property? ... Girdling can be accomplished by using a chain saw to cut through the bark and about one inch into the wood ... of the tree around its entire perimeter. Double girdling, with a second girdle about three inches ...
