CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Dawes Arboretum's Citizen Lake Awareness and Monitoring (CLAM)

    The unique citizen science program provides an opportunity to learn about aquatic ecology, lake ...

  2. Environmental Professionals Network Field Trip- August 15 Last Call

    nutrient management practices, and learn about other opportunities for ag producers to promote water ...

  3. 4-H Trip Opportunities

    440-3945, or stop by to schedule an interview.  If you cannot make your scheduled time, please let us know.  ...

  4. VA Grotto Gardens Tour

    Join us for a special tour of the Grotto Gardens on the Dayton VA Hospital grounds. We will meet ...

  5. Annual Ohio Women Outdoor Adventures (OWOA)

    and fly fishing. Take a hike to the historic Kennedy Stone House. Learn about wilderness first aid, ... about these amazing animals with the “ Wonders of the Whitetail.” Evening brings an opportunity to join ...

  6. Junior Leadership Club Meeting

    Join us for the Fairfield County Jr. Leadership Club meeting.  Open to anyone ages 13-19 in ...

  7. 4-H Volunteer Banquet

    What an amazing year we have had! I know with the fair just behind us many of you are  trying to ... a change in venue!   Dinner will be provided free to those who have served with us over the last year and ...

  8. 4-H Achievement Banquet

    Join us for a celebration of the Fairfield County 4-H members accomplishments.  This will be held ...

  9. Lunch and Learn: Lawn Care 101

    The topic for this Lunch and Learn will be Lawn Care 101. Join us in the Conference Room at the Ag ...

  10. New Master Gardener Orientation

    application process. Detailed information about how to become a Master Gardener Volunteer can be found here. ...
