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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Poinsettia's Poisonous Reputation Persists, Despite Proof to the Contrary

    shouldn’t worry too much about little Freddy. To reach the equivalent of what those rats consumed in the ...

  2. Cultural Connections Lunch and Learn (Chile)

    Experts from Chile will interact with Wooster campus staff, students, and faculty about Chilean ...

  3. Lake Erie Algae: Views of Ohioans on Causes and Solutions, Pre- and Post-Toledo

    Economics at The Ohio State University, speaks about his initial research findings from surveys conducted ...

  4. Cover Crops Can Improve Soil Health, Water Quality and Yields

    seeds and learn about specific cover crops, such as the fact that legume cover crops protect the soil ...

  5. 12 Days of Experts: How to Choose and Care for your Poinsettia

    about poinsettia care can be found in an Ohio State University fact sheet, “Poinsettia Care in the ...

  6. Ohioans Urged to Join Ohio Saves Program

    and motivation. It's all about an individual saver making their own savings goal and being ...

  7. Black/African American

    History Timeline African American History-About Education ...

  8. Check Your First Aid Kits

    a regular basis. For more information about agricultural safety, visit, or ...

  9. Hay and Straw Barn Fires a Real Danger

    the center of the stack or down about 8 feet in large stacks.   If you have a long probe thermometer ...

  10. Maple Tree ID

    Canyon Maple Acer grandidentatum U.S. Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountain Maple Acer glabrum Western United ... red; odorless if bark bruised or scraped. V-shaped, double-winged fruit about 1/2- 1 inch long. Fruit ...
