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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-19

    – July 7 Q and A: Vomitoxin, Health, and Safety Ohio’s wheat harvest is in full swing and concerns about ... can be confused with allergic reactions. What about inhaling vomitoxin? Vomitoxin is not found “freely ... about straw from scabby fields, will it contain mycotoxins? Yes. Straw from scabby fields does contain ...

  2. TWEL Olivia M. Smith Thesis

    However, this shift was on average about a half kilometer suggesting a limited dispersal ability. Bobwhites ...

  3. Soybean Planting Date

    and it is time to start thinking about when we are going to get our planters out of the shed and into ...

  4. Local Planning for Farmland in Ohio: Summary Report on Farmland Preservation Task Force Planning in 15 Counties

    choices about which tools to use to meet land use goals are largely in the hands of local government. Thus ...

  5. Higher education as a portfolio investment: students' choices about studying, term time employment, leisure, and loans

    nature of financial support, highlight the complexity of students’ choices about human capital ...

  6. 'Motivated, Inspired': CFAES Students go to National Leadership Conference

    agriculture industry as well as increase their excitement about the future of agriculture by creating ... awareness about career opportunities in agriculture. 'The basis in having a passion' Students ...

  7. Curious about the Peace Corps?

    The Peace Corps is actively seeking qualified agricultural and environmentally skilled applicants. Come and learn the inside scoop on Wednesday (10/5), 5-6 pm, in 207 Ag. Admin. Bldg. ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-21

    Extension Free and open to the public, one of the day’s features will be a workshop conducted by Dr. Robert ... University Extension, Van Wert County and The Marsh Foundation School Farms. For more information about the ... about this leaf feeding but will be concerned in these fields when the silks begin to emerge because the ...

  9. Campus as a Living Laboratory Student Sustainability Symposium

    The symposium will feature four presentations from students about campus sustainability in a seven ...

  10. MENR Project Examples

    Victoria Chen (FABE), Aparna Dial (OSU Sustainability Office) H. LeBail Public Perception of Climate Change ...
