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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Exploring Leadership and Systems Thinking

    environment; and an international experience to a host country to learn more about culture and agriculture. ...

  2. Methods of Teaching Agriscience II

    teaching and learning process with an emphasis on planning and delivering agriscience instruction in public ...

  3. Agricultural Communication Internship

    broadcasting, public relations, editing, photojournalism, graphic design or related areas. Regardless of the ...

  4. Introduction to Agricultural Communication Practices

    examines how agricultural communication fits into the larger U.S. mass media system. This course will ...

  5. Competencies

    serve as leaders of volunteers, public-private team, and special projects. Extension’s pursuit to better ... Unique About Extension Personnel in the City?- JHSE article Urban County Extension Director Competency ... New Technologies for Ag Extension grant. More information about this Extension Credential will be ...

  6. CFAES cooperation with Kazakh National Agrarian Research University flowers

    US are considered weeds. Taraxacum kok-saghyz dandelions’ roots are comprised of 10-15% natural ... rubber and are thus not weeds but rather a viable way for the US to protect itself from looming shortages ... dandelions common in the US.   Cornish advocates this in a TEDx talk at OSU. Meirambek Mutalkhanov was ...

  7. Early Field Experience in Agriscience Education

    Agriscience Education. Students will learn first-hand about the Agriscience Education profession by working in ...

  8. Leadership for Community Change

    meant to serve as an advanced course for students learning about leadership. Prereq: ENR 3500, or ...

  9. Thomas awarded NAFB scholarship

    connect with industry peers, brush up on professional skills, and learn more about opportunities and ... challenges impacting the U.S. farmer and rancher. Thomas is a second-year master’s student focusing on ...

  10. Campaign Design and Management in Agricultural Organization

    AGRCOMM 5130 This class is a public relations laboratory class designed to provide students with ... a how-to, hands-on, problem solving approach to campaign planning for effective public relations. Students ... will draw on public relations principals and their own experiences to design a real-life, ...
