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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. EPN's Second Tuesday Breakfast Club

    member, U.S. House of Representatives (SC-4th) who will present Using Science to Overcome Partisanship ...

  2. Best Boss Ever

    that employees leave bosses, not organizations. Here are some statistics about the impact of good and ...

  3. Newly funded project to design mentoring program

    career Extension educators and to deliver an educational program on a systems approach. Learn more about ...

  4. You’re invited: Horticulture and Crop Science Cultivate’16 reception

    horticulture trade show in North America. If you would like to learn more about the Cultivate’16 Event, please ...

  5. Can We Stop Amphibian Apocalypse? April 9 Talk at Ohio State

    salamandrivorans, or Bs, which is spreading in Europe but hasn’t yet reached the U.S., is the subject of the  next ... 96 percent of infected salamanders. The fungus has been fatal, too, to U.S. salamanders in lab tests. ...

  6. Faculty Emeritus Recognized for Forestry Leadership

    about this honor here. Photo courtesy of Ohio Department of Natural Resources. October 2014 recognition ...

  7. Buckeyes Converge on Battle Creek, Mi. for CFAES Alumni Reception

    enjoyed two hours of heavy hors-d'oeuvres and compelling conversation about the college. They had an ...

  8. All Things Bats: Youth Outreach Team Collaborates with Local After-School Program

    team members were able to apply their knowledge to a hands-on teaching opportunity and learn about ... program development.  The two-hour program took about a month and a half to plan from beginning to end. ...

  9. OARDC Presents 2013 Employee Service and Achievement Awards

    information about OARDC, visit  or subscribe to the center's free email ...

  10. Youth Experience and Learn about Ohio’s Natural Resources

     Read more about this year's camp and how participating youth are impacted in a recent article ...
