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How to Control Weeds in Continuous Corn
glyphosate and BT Herculex. "There is about a $6 per acre difference in cost between glyphosate and ... problem. For more information on managing weeds in continuous corn systems, or to learn more about ...
Careful Corn Planting Can Reduce Yield Losses
more may be required to maximize yields. On soils that average about 150 bushels per acre, a final ... about calculating appropriate seeding rates, go to OSU Extension's C.O.R.N. (Crop Observation and ...
Producers Facing Hay Shortage, But Forage Options Aplenty
about half the energy value as corn grain. Ohio State University research has found that a 1,300 pound ... silage," said Boyles. "Information about brewer's grains and other feeds, such as gluten feed, ...
Tips to Get Corn Off to a Good Start
more a ceiling is put on yields. "Generally we start seeing yields begin to fall about 1.5 bushels ... optimal yields. On soils that average about 140-150 bushels per acre, a final stand of 28,000 plants per ...
Using the Weather to Control Dollar Spot
that little is known about how these fungi attack the grass and how the turf defends itself. With that ... said Boehm. "The other approach is learning more about the pathogen and how it's causing ...
Business as Usual With the Soybean Aphid? Not This Year
way to manage the soybean aphid is to become more knowledgeable about the insect's biology, know ... we didn't worry about southern counties, but we are not going to be able to take that approach ...
OSU Extension Raising Animal Welfare Awareness
interactions on animal and human quality of life, animal cognition and public perceptions of animal ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-14
kernel endosperm can completely sustain a young corn seedling from germination through about leaf stage ... Assess fields by pulling about 30 to 50 tillers randomly in the field and see how far up the plant the ... have not seen any cutworm damage nor have we had any reports about cutworm damage but this is about the ...
Sorting through Residual Soybean Herbicide options
that we don’t know about. Many new premixes are essentially generic versions of products that had ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-14
heads. Symptoms usually develop about three weeks after anthesis (depending on the weather), so the risk ... general, fungicides provide about 45 to 55% reduction in scab and vomitoxin, if applied at anthesis. ... taken up about half of the nitrogen to be removed, and only about 20% of the nitrogen in the wheat ...