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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Congratulations to Lauren Slutzky!

    University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon, University of Akron and Case Western. To learn more about the ...

  2. Why We Don't Believe Science: A Perspective From Decision Psychology

    decision making. She has worked extensively with the U.S. National Cancer Institute and Food and Drug ...

  3. SENR Spring 2013 Seminar Listing

    Aldo Leopold's Public Writing About Game Managemen t H. Lewis Ulman, Associate Professor, ...

  4. Letter from the Interim Director, Thom Janini

    about his life since he graduated from Ohio State ATI. Jim shared that his training in the Agricultural ...

  5. A Smoke TOOLS Workshop

    Concerned about smoke but afraid that trying to address it will take too much time and resources? ...

  6. Aug. 11: How One Town Grew from a Flood

    Registration, which includes a full breakfast, is $10 and is open to both members of the network and the public ...

  7. 4-H Volunteer Training- Risk Managment in 4-H Clubs

    Come to this training to learn about all the risks and how to minimize them in your 4-H club. ...

  8. 4-H Volunteer Training- Risk Management in 4-H Clubs

    Come to this training to learn about all the risks and how to minimize them in your 4-H club. ...

  9. Faculty Perspectives on Research

    about research?  Come to this panel to hear what professors from various disciplines have to say about ... working with undergraduate researchers.  Learn more about what they expect from undergraduate researchers, ...

  10. Career Expo attracts record number of employers

    "We've had phenomenal success with Ohio State ATI students. About 45 of our 100 employees are OSU ...
