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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Freezing Basics

    live in a community where local foods are abundant and the bounty ready for many of us to enjoy.  If ...

  2. OSU Expert: Corn Stalks Are An Inexpensive Feed Source

    the stalk, husks, leaves, corn kernels and cobs,” he said. “Studies have shown there can be about ...

  3. Golden Gate Girls

    Chinese-language films in the US, the most prominent female director in Hong Kong in the 1930s, and for most of the ... 1940s, the only woman directing feature-length films in the US. A San Francisco native and open lesbian, ...

  4. Get Feet Wet in Aquaponics at FSR

    between fish and plants.” The Review is an annual agricultural trade show in London, about 25 miles west ...

  5. Best Boss Ever

    that employees leave bosses, not organizations. Here are some statistics about the impact of good and ...

  6. Fall 2015 Continuum College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... Sciences Read about the impact our faculty, staff, students and alumni are having! Thursday, October 1, ...

  7. Ohio State Experts: School to Teach Hay Fertility, Cutting Techniques

    St., Jefferson, Ohio 44047. The deadline to register is April 7. For more information about the event, ...

  8. Cover Crop Termination

    more information about cover crop termination. ...

  9. Changes Made to Rules on Applying Fertilizer

    constantly educate ourselves about how we are applying these fertilizers and make sure we understand the ...

  10. Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    available to speak about Salmonella: Abigail Snyder, an assistant professor and food safety field specialist ... Salmonella infections. To learn more about Salmonella, contact: Abigail Synder Assistant Professor and Food ... Professor of Food Science and Technology 614-292-7814 For more information about handling ...
