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Calibrate Your Sprayer to Save Money on Pesticides
information about calibrating a sprayer, visit Erdal Ozkah ...
OSU Safety Specialist: Proper Lighting, Footwear, Key in Lessing Risk of Injury on Farm
block your view Ohio AgrAbility is part of a national U.S. Department of Agriculture program that ...
Kennedy Thesis
ecological carrying capacities. Varied public opinions of both species present additional challenges. ...
Bobwhites in the Contemporary Midwestern Landscape: Aardvarks in Arcadia, or Canaries in the Coal Mine?
the Glenn Colloquium Series at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs. For more information, ...
Precision Ag Technology Day is Aug. 5
Tracy Turner WAUSEON, Ohio – Growers who want to learn more about how using precision agriculture ...
Why your supermarket tomatoes taste so bland and what we can do about it
your supermarket tomatoes taste so bland and what we can do about it," will be held at 5:00 pm in ...
Jay Wright- Graduate Program Exit Seminar
Blackbird, which has declined more than 85% over the last 50 years. Very little is known about their behavior ...
Study: Most Farmers Willing to Take More Steps to Improve Water Quality
motivate farmers to take actions on their farms to lessen nutrient loss, you should be talking about how ... Wilson said. “Despite some stereotypes of farmers that they just care about profits and don’t care about ... water quality, farmers are generally concerned about nutrient loss and the impacts of that on water ...
Children & Youth
topics Participants learn about environmental issues, nearby nature opportunities, and natural resources ...
New Tool Offers Growers Easy Option to Measure Soil Organic Matter Content
organic matter content and can help them make decisions about whether or not to sell crop residue. The ... educate their landlords about what they’re doing,” he said. The soil organic matter calculator is based on ...