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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Communiqué August 14, 2013

    about what you’re feeling. Note what’s happening to you and what effect your circumstances have on your ... that writing about upsetting experiences for just 20 minutes at a time, over three or four days, can ... Cooperative Extension Service, was chosen by the annual conference planning committee to speak about this ...

  2. Ohioans Urged to Join Ohio Saves Program

    and motivation. It's all about an individual saver making their own savings goal and being ...

  3. Culling Decisions

    developing a culling order specifically for your farm.  To begin, it is best to think about which cow(s) in ...

  4. Extension Reconsidered Luncheon

    opinions about changes in your community.  Learn more about how Ohio State University Extension can help ...

  5. Chow Line: Use Nutrition Month to get back on track

    Salad.”) Trying to lose weight? Slow down: It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the signal that ...

  6. Ohio State’s Agricultural Fertilizer Program Helps Farmers Keep Phosphorus on Fields, Improve Water Quality

    their knowledge about nutrient management, LaBarge said. Additionally, 77 percent of farmers in ...

  7. Lake Erie Algae: Views of Ohioans on Causes and Solutions, Pre- and Post-Toledo

    Economics at The Ohio State University, speaks about his initial research findings from surveys conducted ...

  8. Chow Line: Watermelon tasty, nutritious

    cups of diced watermelon (about 10 ounces) offers 38 percent of the vitamin C you need in a day, 32 ...

  9. Early Spring Marestail Control

    information about marestail control along with more herbicide control options is available in the Extension ...

  10. Raising Kids, Eating Right, Spending Smart, Living Well

    about planting a small garden? Spending Smart: Plan what meals you are going to make this week and make ...
