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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-39

    were as good as plots subsoiled in November. This is a good time to think about controlled traffic. ...

  2. Field Crop Irrigation May Work For Some Ohio Growers

    and the smaller acreages tend to outweigh the costs of the system. "You are talking about an ... Precipitation as rainfall varies throughout the state, with about 10 inches more rainfall occurring in southern ... about 1/3 inch per day. Brown said that growers should consider the type of irrigation system they might ...

  3. Supplemental Forage Options for Late Summer to Early Autumn Planting

    summer is significant for many. Earlier this summer I wrote an article about options for producing ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-15

    Michel, Bruce Eisley Over this past week, we have received many calls about black cutworms causing ... significant injury in corn, already above the threshold of 3% or more plants being cut. One report was about ...

  5. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Grazing cattle (for the week of Aug. 19, 2001)

    “SportsCenter” about to start-- cattle graze as they go somewhere. And they usually go get water together. So it ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-32

    past few years, we have been warning about the presence of Bt-resistant western corn rootworms.  The ... process is critical to think about implementing adaptive management principles. Adaptive management is ...

  7. Learn About Ag Labor Camps at Upcoming Workshops

    Federation and Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association.   For more information about attending a free workshop ...

  8. OARDC Green Energy Technology Key to New $2 Million Third Frontier Grant

    several similar systems throughout Ohio. What’s new about the i AD s is its potential for ... projects during the past five years. More information about quasar and OARDC’s bionergy and ...

  9. Following 'Rules' Helps People Save

    don't have to think about it every single month and keep making the decision over and over again." ... savers in the first place," Rha said. "Although they feel comfortable about what their ...

  10. Corn Rootworm Populations Decreasing in Ohio

    cause yield loss. Eisley said that he has not received any reports about first year corn being damaged ...
