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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Asian Soybean Finding New Home in Ohio's Specialty Crop Market

    more digestible than field soybeans and is highly nutritious. A bean contains about 40 percent protein, ...

  2. Family Fundamentals: If summer is stressful, plan now to slow down

    Psychological Association suggests thinking about how you experience stress and identifying situations that ...

  3. Chow Line: Weight loss efforts need determination (for 1/18/09)

    weight, while a comparable group who followed a higher protein diet (about 30 percent of calories from ...

  4. Chow Line: Ultra-pasteurized milk lasts longer (for 2/15/09)

    might say that if you just started drinking more milk, you wouldn't have to worry about the milk ...

  5. Chow Line: Try heat, drying if fresh garlic turns blue (for 5/24/09)

    it for about 30 seconds in boiling water and then cooling it ice water-- could prevent the reaction ...

  6. Chow Line: Truffles big on flavor, reputation and price

    November 9, 2007 Why are truffles (the fungi) so expensive? Like just about anything in the ...

  7. Ohio Bull Test Preview And Sale Coming Up At EORDC

    about the Ohio Bull Test, contact Justin Lahmers at (614) 873-6736 or Kevin Stottsberry at (740) ...

  8. Soybean Performance Trials Help Farmers Choose Productive Varieties

    would have been about $22 million from the 4.5 million acres produced in 2001," said Beuerlein. ...

  9. Minimizing Compaction of Vegetable Crops Tricky

    can use a shovel or soil probe to determine the depth of compaction, then subsoil about an inch below ...

  10. Use of Precision Ag Technology Continues to Grow

    the $40,000-$100,000 sales class, and about twice as likely to use variable rate application of ...
