CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. The Glass Castle: ATI Programming Page

    Rose Mary do the unexpected? Think about a time when you wanted to do something different but decided ...

  2. Thinking about Selling Timber Seminar

    Selling timber isn’t something woodland owners should take lightly. The decisions you make now will not only affect you financially, but will alter the course of your woodlot for a long time to come. This program is designed to help woodland owners unders ...

  3. Want to find out more about EcoBots?

    Kits are now available from National 4-H Supply and will cost $22. Each kit has enough materials for five Eco-Bots or 10 youth participants working in pairs. Click here for more information from National 4-H If you are looking for larger quantities for cl ...

  4. Communiqué June 25, 2014

    conference will feature: Nationally known keynote speakers Interactive sessions about the future of Extension ...

  5. Does the Insurance Effect of Public and Private Transfers Favor Financial Deepening? Evidence from Rural Nicaragua


  6. ARC-CO and PLC Payment Indicator for 2014 Crop Year: December 2014 WASDE U.S. Yield and Price


  7. FAQ

    located about 15 minutes away from campus Are refunds given? Refunds of the registration fee will be ...

  8. Communiqué October 24, 2012

    listening. It&rsquo;s spending &ldquo;listening&rdquo; time thinking about your reply and just ... the full <em>Speed of Trust </em>book by Stephen M.R. Covey for more details about how to ...

  9. Livestock Gross Margin-Dairy

    Should you or your organization be interested in learning more about LGM or in organizing a workshop or ...

  10. U.S. dairy markets and policy update

