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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Factors to Consider in a Program for Heat Detection

    point to remember about estrous detection in cattle is that the only definitive sign that a cow is in ... metestrous bleeding and occurs about 35 to 45 hours after the end of estrus.  This is not an indication of ... from about 18-24 days and averages 21 days. If a cow is showing estrus more frequently than this, she ...

  2. More Milk- Good for Me? Good for Our Industry?

    of milk per cow has increased at the rate of about 250 lb per cow per year for the past 45 years. ... the market. When milk volume increases to the point whereby we are oversupplying the market by about ... cow numbers. The average decrease in cow numbers during the last 10 years is about 0.5% annually, ...

  3. Boost to brewing biogas: OARDC receives $6.5 million grant to further develop new system

    OARDC has received a $6.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. ...

  4. Ohio State Wins Livestock Judging Competition

    members were excited about their accomplishments and their ability to achieve a goal they had set for ... information about the OSU Livestock Judging Team, please contact Kyle Culp at culp.1045@osu.ed or ...

  5. New Government Relations, Development websites now online

    profiles of donors, and information about upcoming events and activities. If you have attended a recent ...

  6. Ohio allocates $6M to rebuild 'the core of our bioenergy and bioproducts research'

    the announcement of these funds means that a very significant funding gap has now been resolved and enables us to ...

  7. Small Grains Field Day

    demonstrations about small grains as cover crops, alternative forages, and how they fit into row cropping ...

  8. Research on link between health and nature will grow in new OARDC garden

    come up with a concept for the garden, to make decisions about its design elements and to conduct ...

  9. How the Weather and Feed Shrink Affect Your Bottom Line

    we think about minimizing feed shrink, we typically focus on forage shrink and forget how quickly ... feeding a silage-based ration, feed cost will increase by about $0.60/cow/day. If these losses could be ... or minus 10 lb, even if they count by fives. The accuracy error is typically about 1%, but varies ...

  10. How to keep Ohio’s specialty crops safe from herbicide drift

    concerns about the herbicides 2,4-D and dicamba, and how to prevent unwanted damage to crops. Both ...
