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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. VA Grotto Gardens Tour

    Join us for a special tour of the Grotto Gardens on the Dayton VA Hospital grounds. We will meet ...

  2. Workshop Wednesday- Designing Displays & Public Speaking


  3. Master Urban Farmer Program Informational Meeting

    Come learn more about the Master Urban Farmer Program in Lucas County at an informational meeting ...

  4. Fruit and Vegetables

    OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety Program Ohio Grape Web Publications Vegetable Fact Sheets Fruit Fact ...

  5. 4-H Volunteer Banquet

    What an amazing year we have had! I know with the fair just behind us many of you are  trying to ... a change in venue!   Dinner will be provided free to those who have served with us over the last year and ...

  6. Southwestern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference

    Conference Center in Loveland, Ohio. The Oasis Conference Center is conveniently located about five miles off ... go to Questions about the conference can be directed to Greg Meyer at ...

  7. New Master Gardener Orientation

    application process. Detailed information about how to become a Master Gardener Volunteer can be found here. ...

  8. Good Agricultural Practices

    The OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team educates growers of fresh produce about Good Agricultural ... Practices (GAPs). Learn about the scientific basis behind best practices and get helpful tools and resources ...

  9. Sneak A Zucchini Day

    Porch" on August 8th. Join us in this fun seasonal festivity. We will have a table at the Toledo ...

  10. Growing with Gust Farms #FarmerFocusFriday

    types of produce they grow. There is a lot that Jake loves about farming but the connections to his ...
