CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Great Lakes Apple Crunch

    about apples ...

  2. Metroparks Toledo Recognized as Friend of OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program

    benefits the larger community and the public that we serve. MGVs run the Horticulture Hotline out of the ...

  3. Master Urban Farmer Informational Meeting

    Come and learn more about the Master Urban Farmer Program. 2019 classes will begin on Thursday ...

  4. Edibles in the Landscape

    healthy eating!  The following article was posted on the state Live Smart Ohio blog about the “cherry” you ... many fruits ripen for us to enjoy. You most certainly have heard of cherries and have hopefully enjoyed ...

  5. CFAP Program for Beef Producers

    short-term oversupply and shipping pattern disruptions caused by COVID-19. The general details about the CFAP ... animals.  Complete details about the livestock portion of CFAP can be found on the Farm Service Agency’s ...

  6. Taking care of business: OSU at National Farm Business Conference

    Wisconsin to learn more about hot topics in farm management, including our own presentations on farmland ...

  7. Seeds for Success: NW Ohio Small Farm Conference and Trade Show

    Join us for a day-long conference and trade show filled with sessions addressing legal issues, ...

  8. Local Volunteer Recognized

    After retiring as a kindergarten teacher in the Toledo Public School system, Judy Hanes knew she ...

  9. Lucas County 4-H Cloverbud Day Camp

    Come join us for the day and learn about the 4-H program and participate in fun activities on ...

  10. Summer Meal Site Recruitment Event

    from Summer Meal Partners ✓ Help us feed hungry children  MORE INFORMATION AT PARTNERSTOLEDO.ORG OR ...
