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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Southwestern Ohio Fruit, Vegetable and Specialty Crop Conference Is Feb. 2

    focusing on more topics, we’ve moved the event location to a conference center which allows us the space to ...

  2. Junior Leaders Meeting

    Come learn about opportunities to participate in Meats Judging Team, General Livestock Judging ...

  3. The Most Adventurous Fair

    will be talking about for many years to come.  We are so grateful for the support of our neighbors like ...

  4. Reliable Health and Nutrition Information Online

    the “About” section of the site to help determine the reliability of the information on the site. Look ...

  5. OSU Income Tax Schools

    about the 2-day Income Tax Schools, along with on-line registration is available at: ...

  6. Chow Line: Decisions at the fair: Indulge, or be healthy?

    thinking about all of the horribly unhealthy foods that I know I’m going to want to eat that day. I want to ... enjoy. An occasional splurge is nothing to feel guilty about. Just be sensible. Not all the food at fairs ...

  7. OSU Expert: Now's the Time to Start Thinking of Fall Pasture Management

    arm, Ohio State University Extension. “Producers need to start thinking about what these plants are ... include conserving soil moisture so the plants will continue to grow. “Overall, it’s really about keeping ...

  8. USDA and FABE Develop Worlds First Intelligent Sprayer

    researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and The Ohio State University’s College of Food, ...

  9. CTC Conference Offers Corn Growers Insight into Conventional and Drought-tolerant Hybrids during ‘Corn University’

    Tracy Turner ADA, Ohio – Corn growers thinking about planting decisions for the 2013 season and ... using best management practices, that’s fine. But I think that as many growers are hearing more about ... crops.”  Thomison will talk about the 2012 growing season and new tools growers have for managing drought ...

  10. Tri-State Diversity Converence

    research, and academic programs; private and public university representatives; K-12 educators; community ...
