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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Marketing Educational Program, Bowling Green

    Marketing Educational Program, Learn about low- or no-cost ways to effectively promote their ...

  2. Two-Day Conference Focuses on Boosting Hops Production

    OSU Extension researchers, including Bergefurd and Gardiner. Thanks to a U.S. Department of ...

  3. Hops Conference to Feature New Harvester, Prototype Trellis System

    usual this year, he added. In the past, the conference has drawn about 250 participants. Registration is ...

  4. Whiz Bang! Science Show, Wooster

    more about science in an enriching outdoor environment. Fun for the entire family. ...

  5. Family Fundamentals: What to look for in credit card rewards programs (May 2013)

    Martha Filipic Friends tell us they get good deals with credit card rewards programs, so we’re ...

  6. Cleveland, Similar Cities Could Produce Most of Their Energy: Ohio State Study

    developments: Cleveland Public Power's 20 MW Municipal Solid Waste to Energy facility and Lake Erie ...

  7. Top 12: OARDC Names 2013 Research Poster Winners

    the largest university agricultural bioscience research center in the U.S. The center works not just ...

  8. Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School, Madison

    Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School, Wine grape growers can learn how about to manage a winged pest ...

  9. Maintaining or Improving Milk Components

    about 50% of the fat in milk.  Diet is highly correlated with milk fat concentration or percentage.  ...

  10. Hops Production Field Day is July 17

    brewers and gardeners are welcome to learn about Ohio’s growing beer industry during the Hops Production ...
