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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Wellness Walk 8/19

    11:00 AM. Please join us for a healthy dose of exercise, fresh air, nature, and friends! These walks ...

  2. Wellness Walk 8/5

    11:00 AM. Please join us for a healthy dose of exercise, fresh air, nature, and friends! These walks ...

  3. Wellness Walk 7/22

    11:00 AM. Please join us for a healthy dose of exercise, fresh air, nature, and friends! These walks ...

  4. Students present case studies in agricultural issues course

    In Dr. Cara Lawson's AGRCOMM 2330 class (Public Perceptions of Agricultural and Environmental ... Issues), students presented case studies about issues in agriculture, science, and natural resources. This ... decisions made about these issues. They engage with issue stakeholders and investigate the impacts that ...

  5. LGBTQ+ Resources

    Consumer Sciences Educator, Laura Stanton, is passionate about being inclusive and equitable when it comes ... scheduling a workshop about supporting the LGBTQ+ community, their strengths, and the unique challenges they ... Support LGBTQ+ Youth How to Talk to Kids About Gender Identity LGBTQIA+ Community Mental Health Concerns ...

  6. Rodriguez awarded Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to Canada

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, has been awarded a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to research “Enhancing ...

  7. Money As You Grow

    quiet one-on-one talks. To find more information about building your child's money skills while you ... find information for getting started, building your child's money skills, talking about choices, ... Grow: For your child during young adulthood (PDF)   Join us for a free workshop for parents and ...

  8. Food Preservation

    about home food preservation? Remember, with the right information, food preservation can be safe, ... simple, and easy to learn. If you are curious about the altitude where you live, visit the National Center ...  ...

  9. ACEL Student attends BOLD Leadership Conference

    learn more about my leadership abilities while learning more about my peers and the Hereford ...

  10. Wilhelm, Meyer elected to CFAES Student Council leadership positions

    is from Enon, Ohio. Meyer, a freshman studying agricultural communication, will serve as the public ... administration, staff, alumni, and current students about the various happenings around the college. The ...
