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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. A Day in the Woods program on "Night Flyers"

    The forest is a wonderful and mysterious place especially at night.  Join us on September 13 th ... State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Vinton Soil ... Pixelle Specialty Solutions, Ohio Tree Farm Committee, Ohio Forestry Association Foundation, U.S. Fish and ...

  2. Updated Field Guide on Aquatic Invasive Species available

    features of that species. "With this guide we want users to be informed about the spread of aquatic ...

  3. Personalized Virtual and In-Person Visits

    Meet with SENR Staff If you are interested in having a more personalized conversation about how ...

  4. Teaching Tools and Technology

    As you dive into autumn semester, be sure to learn about the latest updates to teaching and ... Learn more about our new proctoring tool, Honorlock; review changes and improvements to CarmenCanvas; ...

  5. OWS Program- From the Basin to the Banks: Wetland Restoration

    services to local ecology and wildlife.  Come learn about these fascinating habitats and the plants ...

  6. Kevin Wyatt

    Representative Publications Rober, A.R., A.J. Lankford, E.S. Kane, M.R. Turetsky, and K.H. Wyatt. 2023. ...

  7. Explore Majors

    forest dynamics >> work with animals or wildlife>> educate others about the environment ...

  8. SENR Career Engagement Certificate

    will be sent a digital copy, along with instructions for picking up a physical copy.   Questions about ...

  9. There's still time to volunteer for Move-In

    We are excited to invite you to join us in assisting and engaging with our residents during the ...

  10. Early Alert timeline

    you create your syllabi, please keep these dates in mind to help us gather the best snapshot of ...
