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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. About SNAP-Ed

    disseminates educational information through public service announcements, basic food and nutrition ...

  2. Support us and our community service!

    assist in community gardens and school gardens. We teach youth and adults about starting gardens, growing ...

  3. Friday's Escape to the Forest Webinar

    Join us for a virtual hike on March 10 th for our Friday’s Escape to the Forest webinar.  Ohio ... State Extension Educator, Carrie Brown, will take us on a virtual hike through the forest in search of ...

  4. Fair Project Judging Tips

    chance to show off all you know about the project you've worked on all year. Here are some helpful ... look worn out. Shorts and t-shirts should not be worn to project judging. Think about your shoes too. ... costume project or a project about hats. If you do wear a hat, take it off when you get to the judge. The ...


    About 4-H CARTEENS 4-H CARTEENS is a traffic safety program conducted by 4-H teen leaders and ... For more information about 4-H CARTEENS, visit Ohio 4-H CARTEENS.  ...

  6. Agriculture and Natural Resources

    You can learn more about all the programs by visiting OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources. ...

  7. The Ohio Natural History Conference

    location takes us to the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden and the Arc of Appalachia region for ...

  8. Family and Consumer Sciences

    healthier, nutritious lifestyles. Visit OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences to learn more about the ...

  9. Skin Scanning & Sun Safety

    funding.  Visit the Extension's Family and Consumer Sciences site for information about this program in ...

  10. Friday’s Escape to the Forest Webinar – The Winter Life of Ohio’s Bats

    Join us as we chat with Joe Johnson, bat ecologist with the University of Cincinnati, during Bat ... Week about the lives of Ohio bats during winter. Where are they hibernating? How are they dealing with ...
