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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Food Kindness

    year takes an entire community. This event can prompt conversations about food security with friends, ...

  2. Cicada Killer Wasp

    Typically, eggs hatch in about two to three days. Upon hatching, the larvae begin feeding on the paralyzed ...

  3. Accepting SNAP Benefits at Ohio Farmers Markets

    about matching programs, refer to the Ohioline nutrition incentives fact sheet series. Applying for SNAP ... the market contact, the market’s physical location, and information about responsible officials. ... designated bank account. For additional information about the voucher system, contact the EBT Section of the ...

  4. Safe Operation of Utility Type Vehicles (UTVs)

    for public roads/highways No No Operation age 16 years old Varies upon model Seating Non-straddle seat ...

  5. Preventing and Controlling Coyote Problems

    a charged trip wire installed just above ground level about 8 inches outside the main fence to discourage ... ground about 8 to 10 inches outside the fence. One to three additional wires may be added with variable ...

  6. Understanding Value in Lime

    Liming materials vary significantly in terms of purity, fineness and moisture. These factors help us ...

  7. Nutrient Removal for Field Crops in Ohio

    AGR-1: Drs. Edwin Ritchey and Josh McGrath, University of Kentucky College ... Editor Laura Lindsey. Wheat, Table 6-5  Other small grains, Table 6-12 Forage Production ... the following for their time and encouragement while reviewing this publication: Greg LaBarge, ...

  8. How To Join 4-H

    child’s project choice. 5. Contact the club leader for more detailed club information. Ask about member ... activities. 6.  Once you have found a club that is a good fit for your family, ask about enrolling as a new ...

  9. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2012-13 Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2010–11 at: ... Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2009–10 at: ... Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2008–09 at: ...

  10. A Guide to Corn Growth and Development

    required for germination. When planted later, warmer temperatures are expected, and fewer days (about 6–8) ... stage, the nodal and seminal root systems are about the same size (in length and dry matter). Leaf ... growth begins following fertilization and consists of a rapid increase in water content with about 85% ...
