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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Conference participation seeds new ideas and connections

    needs and educating future wildlife scientists, managers, and the public with a focus on ecological ...

  2. Home Buyer Education Virtual Workshop

    closing What it takes to be a successful homeowner About a down payment and closing cost assistance ...

  3. Mindful Wellness Series for Dementia Caregivers

    Join OSU Extension Educator Jenny Lobb to learn about mindfulness and coping with stress, and to gain ...

  4. Tai Chi for Beginners Virtual Session

    Join us for a virtual session of Tai Chi for Beginners.  WHEN: Tuesdays & Wednesdays, January ...

  5. Mindful Wellness Series for Dementia Caregivers

    Join OSU Extension Educator Jenny Lobb to learn about mindfulness and coping with stress, and to gain ...

  6. Mindful Wellness Series for Dementia Caregivers

    Join OSU Extension Educator Jenny Lobb to learn about mindfulness and coping with stress, and to gain ...

  7. Mindful Wellness Series for Dementia Caregivers

    Join OSU Extension Educator Jenny Lobb to learn about mindfulness and coping with stress, and to gain ...

  8. Mindful Wellness Series for Dementia Caregivers

    Join OSU Extension Educator Jenny Lobb to learn about mindfulness and coping with stress, and to gain ...

  9. Mindful Wellness Series for Dementia Caregivers

    Join OSU Extension Educator Jenny Lobb to learn about mindfulness and coping with stress, and to gain ...

  10. Great Lakes ROTA-RC Seminar- Integrating Farmer Needs into Childcare Solutions

    Presenter: Dr. Shoshanah Inwood Learn about out the unique challenges farmers face in accessing ...
