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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Cargill, Ohio No-Till Council, and Extension Organizing Field Day – Aug. 15

    field day at the at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center. Participants will learn about soil health and ...

  2. Chronic Wasting Disease Workshops Scheduled

    Department of Natural Resources — Division of Wildlife, for a workshop about chronic wasting disease (CWD) in ...

  3. Ohio State Office of Outreach and Engagement Shares Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference Information: Early-bird registration deadline Aug. 23

    Engagement." The conference will be a place for engaging conversations about the many ways that we work ...

  4. The Value of Community Strategic Plans in Corporate Location Decision-Making

    a time when corporate businesses are changing the way they make decisions about where to locate and ... a potential community might not seem crucial to some corporations, it can help inform them about the profile ... attracting new businesses is a common economic development strategy, research indicates that about 80% of all ...

  5. Minding the Brand: Is Your Professional ID on Brand?

    other more appropriate times and ways for us to use the Extension mark. If you have questions about how ... on your name badge; read more at ... help us all keep Minding the Brand on behalf of Extension. You truly are helping us put our best food ...

  6. Guidance and Preparation for Interactions with First Amendment Activists

    offices. These individuals visit public office buildings to record interactions with the intent to provoke ... that are off-limits to the public without authorization is an important step you should take now to ... prepare your Extension office.   Identify which spaces in your building are clearly “public” or “intended ...

  7. Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses

    sizes, but a typical box will include a mated queen and about 100 female workers. It is important to ... $10.8 billion (Cooley & Vallejo-Marín, 2021). According to the 2019 U.S. Department of Agriculture ... (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service, U.S. tomatoes grown under protection had a national ...

  8. College Savings Options Clark, K. (2019). Roth and traditional IRAs for college savings accounts. Retrieved from ... eligible colleges and universities; up to $10,000 in tuition expenses at private, public, and religious ... Parents, grandparents, and others to prepay tuition at today’s tuition rates at eligible public and private ...

  9. Choosing a Laboratory for Nutrient and Soil Health Testing

    State University Extension Soil testing provides key information about soil nutrient availability. It is ... recommendations. Here are a couple of questions you should ask about recommendations. First, what is the basis of ... days of receiving your soil. If getting data back quickly is essential to you, ask about typical or ...

  10. Women in Ag Wednesday Webinar Reminder

    who want to learn more about supporting women in agriculture, and the public. More information can be ...
