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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Campus Campaign 2016: Connecting the dots!

    educate visitors about plants that grow on Ohio’s prairies. The Welcome and Education Center at the ... Department of Horticulture and Crop Science. “Dr. Bennett was passionate about teaching, research and Ohio ... the private, public or non-profit sectors. EEDS is one of the first sustainability academic programs ...

  2. CFAES holds clothing drive for children in Honduras

    Columbus campus. Through the combined efforts of the team, and after a collection period of about two ...

  3. Agribusiness Club Honors Professor Sheldon and Outstanding Students at Annual Banquet

    sponsors an academic scholarship in the department and Club members take a yearly trip within the U.S. to ...

  4. Communiqué December 7, 2012

    receive the survey request soon, as well as more information about timing and other next steps. Back to ... inclusionist behaviors in leadership as identified by Simma Lieberman. Each of us was charged with sharing how ... decisions I made about this program don't play out as planned? What if I need a backup plan? If I make ...

  5. SENR's Ron Hendrick takes new position with CFAES; Jeff Sharp named school's interim director

    skills in strategic and operational leadership to help us achieve our potential," said CFAES Dean ...

  6. AEDE’s Partridge Named a Fellow of the Southern Regional Science Association

    interdisciplinary organization located in the southeastern United States with members in approximately 40 U.S ...

  7. Agronomic Crops Team Meeting

    If you have any questions about the Agronomic Crops Team, what we do and how you might benefit or how ...

  8. Ohio State Builds Food Security in Tanzania

    Now about halfway through its $25.5 million, six-year grant, Ohio State University’s Innovative ...

  9. Ohio Ag Hall of Fame inductees have CFAES ties

    stories about production, policy, economics and industry trends provided valuable knowledge and insight. ... to Ohio's agriculture community. For further information about sponsorship in honor of the ...

  10. Top Performance in a Decade at the American Royal

    Ohio, is serving as the Assistant Coach of the team. For more information about the OSU Livestock ...
