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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Learn to Create a Perennial Bed

    The “Planting Cover Crops to Reduce Soil Compaction” will teach about cover crop options to ...

  2. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    Are you a positive leader? Do you wonder how others think about your attitude as a leader? A quick ... you, it's time for an attitude check. Negativity in organizations is costing US businesses $300 ... customers. Leaders have a choice about his/her attitude- and no matter what the situation, you have a choice ...

  3. First Year Dog Project Meeting- Showmanship/You and Your Dog

    Warren County learn more about dog projects, using the record book and how to prepare for fair ...

  4. First Year Dog Project Clinic- Obedience

    throughout Warren County learn more about dog projects, using the record book and how to prepare for fair ...

  5. Public Speaking Illustrated Talk/ Demonstrations, Cloverbud Recitals


  6. Flex Your Leadership Style

    make about other people. It can also go far in helping to predict how a person will react to a specific ...

  7. "What Birds Want"

    bird friendly.  Participants will learn about feeding, sheltering, and garden plantings for birds.  ...

  8. New Advisor Orientation

    the year. Please advise any potential new advisors about this opportunity.  The Volunteer Selection ...

  9. Beef Quality Assurance

    or in person) will receive a BQA Certification which is good for three years.  More information about ...

  10. Planting a Perennial Bed

    year? Perennials? Annuals? Why? and Do you have perennials that you have questions about? Several ...
