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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. ECE Updates and Resources

    About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource from the National Association of School Psychologist ... (NASP)  Talking with children about Coronavirus Disease 2019: Messages for parents, school staff, and ...

  2. Food Preservation Licking County

    Join us at the Bryn Du Mansion on July 23 for a food preservation workshop on canning and freezing ...

  3. Healthy Finances

    families, and through reaching people in their own homes through distance education. To learn more about ...

  4. Home Food Preservation series 2020

    topics, calendar and links to register for each session.  If you have questions about home food ...

  5. OSU Extension, Lucas County's 2020 Horticulture Hotline

    Have questions about trees, lawn, garden? Want to know how to test your soil? Every found an ...

  6. Universal Design

    of ages and abilities. Universal Design is all about helping people recognize the variety of ...

  7. Garlic Mustard Information

    plant can be a problem in natural areas and in landscapes. To learn more about this plant and managment ... additional questions about garlic mustard, or other invasive species, contact Amy at garlic ...

  8. Scheduled to Attend CARTEENS?

    court about rescheduling.  Those who leave early will be reported to the court. Is there a cost? ...

  9. Generation Rx. Safe Medication Practices for Life.

    The mission of Generation Rx is to educate people of all ages about safe medication practices. ... Prescription medications can help us live longer and healthier lives, but any medication has the potential to ... education people of all ages about the potential dangers of misusing prescription medications. In doing so, ...

  10. State 4-H Horse Communications Contest

    categories: Public Speaking, Individual Presentation and Team Presentation. Junior and Senior contests will be ...
