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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Chow Line: Use Nutrition Month to get back on track

    Salad.”) Trying to lose weight? Slow down: It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the signal that ...

  2. Gift and Planned Giving Appointment Request

    Name(s): Street Address: City: State: Zip-Code: Phone: Alternate Phone: What would be a good time for us to ...

  3. Ohio State’s Agricultural Fertilizer Program Helps Farmers Keep Phosphorus on Fields, Improve Water Quality

    their knowledge about nutrient management, LaBarge said. Additionally, 77 percent of farmers in ...

  4. Congratulations, Monica Giusti

    received Ohio State's 2013 Early Career Innovator of the Year Award. For details about Dr. Giusti and ...

  5. How can we recruit more Latino students in agriculture?

    this crisis. Please join us next month in beginning a dialogue on exploring ways of working together to ...

  6. Chow Line: Watermelon tasty, nutritious

    cups of diced watermelon (about 10 ounces) offers 38 percent of the vitamin C you need in a day, 32 ...

  7. Top 10 Peace Corps' List: The Ohio State University

    Corps was something Doss thought about throughout her undergraduate career. After completing her ... service, she hopes to pursue a career in the Foreign Service. “When I initially heard about the Peace Corps ... The Peace Corps works with Ohio State to host an on-campus recruiter who educates students about the ...

  8. Will you be the one?

    business and career advancement. Learn about how you or your child can build leadership skills through Ohio ...

  9. Chow Line: Watch sugar intake over holidays

    Martha Filipic I have a sweet tooth. I’ve been cutting back on sugar lately, but I’m worried about ...

  10. OARDC announces award winners at annual conference

    from CFAES, Purdue University, and Ohio State's colleges of Public Health and Arts and Sciences. ...
