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Wood Pallet Makers and Users: Attend ISPM 15 Standards Workshops April and May in Ohio
non-coniferous raw wood used in global trade. Aside from the dangers that wood pests pose to U.S. agriculture and ...
Wheat Disease Management Reaches Critical Stage; Spray Timing Key
and Mills urge growers to think about the overall benefit of not applying an insecticide. OSU Extension and ...
UPDATED: Three Honored for Long-Time Dedication and Commitment to Farm Science Review
working in the McCormick Building giving presentations about human ecology and sharing information with ...
Corn Residue an Option if Forage Supplies are Short
"Corn harvest has started and the residue that is left in the field is not a bad feed for about 60 days ... contains organic matter that when returned to the soil does have value." To learn more about grazing ...
Corn Leaf Diseases Could Spell Yield Troubles
scattered over the leaf surfaces. Spores are carried up from the South and arrive in Ohio by about mid-June ... to early July. Spores germinate and infect the leaves in about six hours when water is present on ...
Natural Gas Drilling Could be Boon for Landowners, But Be Cautious
serious. The Marcellus Shale formation encompasses about 95,000 square miles from New York to West ... but the rise of the new industry has also raised concerns about the possibility of contamination or ...
Management Technique Aids in Treating Plant Problems
homeowner becomes more knowledgeable about plant problems and more efficient in diagnosis and treatment. But ... always opportunities to learn more about the landscape," said Boggs. "Avoid panic. Be aware ...
Raised Beds Effective in Blueberry Production
The cost of making a raised bed is about $350 as compared to tile drainage at or above $1,500 per ... spring. The last census in Ohio reported about 280 acres of blueberries, most of which are grown in ...
Herbicide-Treated Mulches Effective Method of Weed Control
chemical but you have only about 30 percent of the actual chemical to do anything with. The rest is just ... won't have to worry about any leaching into water sources," said Mathers. "Also, a product ...
Major White Mold Outbreak in Ohio Soybeans
takes about 10 percent infection, heavily scattered throughout a field, before you begin seeing a yield ... Specialists do not recommend applying fungicides. "We are worried about efficacy. Fungicides are ...