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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Grad Publications 2006-2009

    Torto-Alalibo, Jorunn I. B. Bos, Edgar Huitema, Zhenyu Liu and Jing Song- were co-authors in the publication ... 393-398 (Sept. 17, 2009).  The co-lead author of the publication was Sophien Kamoun (formerly at Ohio ...

  2. Natural Gas Drilling Could be Boon for Landowners, But Be Cautious

    serious. The Marcellus Shale formation encompasses about 95,000 square miles from New York to West ... but the rise of the new industry has also raised concerns about the possibility of contamination or ...

  3. New Publication

    Matthew A. Campbell, Martijn Staats, Jan A.L. van Kan, Antonis Rokas, and Jason C. Slot. 2013. Repeated loss of an anciently horizontally transferred gene cluster in Botrytis. Mycologia 105:1126-113 ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-14

    until about June 10. The exception may be the northern tier of counties that get clipped by rains from ...

  5. Field Crop Irrigation May Work For Some Ohio Growers

    and the smaller acreages tend to outweigh the costs of the system. "You are talking about an ... Precipitation as rainfall varies throughout the state, with about 10 inches more rainfall occurring in southern ... about 1/3 inch per day. Brown said that growers should consider the type of irrigation system they might ...

  6. Sally Miller Travels to Senegal to Teach About Invasive Species Threatening Crops

    Sally Miller, a plant pathologist with Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, will be speaking May 12-15 in Senegal at a workshop on invasive species in the tropics.> Read more ...

  7. Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Dec. 7

    Building, Ohio State University, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus. Presentations and discussion for public ...

  8. Boosting Dairy Cattle Fertility: New Technologies, Outreach Go Hand in Hand

    Gustavo Schuenemann, Ohio State University Extension's state dairy veterinarian. Ohio’s rate is about the national ...

  9. Warm Winter, Early Spring Increase Livestock Risk from Noxious Weed

    well in multiple environments, including saturated soils.  “We’ve had cressleaf groundsel for about six ...

  10. OSU Expert: Early Ohio Wheat Harvest Opens Door for Double-Crop Soybeans

    to raise two crops before a killing frost,” Lentz said “But if you think about it, how often do we ...
