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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Chow Line: Onions good for flavor, health (for 8/8/10)

    average American eats about 20 pounds of onions per year, an increase from just over 12 pounds per person ...

  2. Chow Line: Tomatoes loaded with health benefits (for 8/2/09)

    great about lycopene? Numerous studies link it with lower rates of several kinds of cancer, including ...

  3. Chow Line: Keep viruses at bay by washing hands (for 9/9/07)

    usually appear suddenly and last about one or two days. Common symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and ...

  4. Southern Ohio Farmers Harvesting Sweet Corn Early

    June 27, 2001 MARIETTA, Ohio- Sweet corn production in southern Ohio is early this year, about 10 ...

  5. OARDC Event Focuses on the Edible Garden

    about edible landscape plants is that they can work with purely ornamental plants. You can use herbs and ...

  6. New Youth Beef Cattle Show Targets Market Performance

    the overall Ohio State Fair Junior Market Beef show. More information about the Beef Performance and ...

  7. Are Deer Eating Your Profits? Reduce the Losses with OSU Extension Workshop

    Bergefurd. For more information about the workshop, or to register, call (740) 289-2071, ext. 223, or visit ...

  8. Israeli Visits Promote Collaboration Between Ohio State University and Middle East Nation

    expand commercial ties and market access in both regions. For more information about The Negev ...

  9. Communiqué April 2, 2014 Back to Top The Mid-Western Educational Research Association RFP Announced The Mid-Western ... opportunities. Participants can expect to gain knowledge about: Overcoming the reluctance to calling prospects ...

  10. Chow Line: Eat lots of produce, raw and cooked (for 8/23/09)

    August 14, 2009 I have long heard about the benefits of eating raw produce, and I have ...
